Include Solutions is primarily concerned with improving the educational outcomes for the young people of the UK. The aim is to broaden and deepen educators' understanding of motivation and what makes young people tick

Monday 4 July 2011

An Intrinsic Update - Growth or Fixed

A lot of what Include Solutions does on a daily basis is talk to professionals about their experiences of developing an ethos which motivates young people intrinsically rather than extrinsically. This however is a very broad area to try and develop within education so we constantly ask ourselves one very simple question; What would an intrinsically motivated school look like?

Although a simple question it can not bring simple answers and this is why talking to fellow professionals is vital in this process. Today Dr Barry Hymer led a session on exploring the contribution of mindsets towards intrinsic learning motivation and gift creation in the classroom. I am sure that some people in the audience looked at the title with a slight gasp, however with what followed any sceptical attitudes were replaced by ones much more open to this idea of radical reform.