Include Solutions is primarily concerned with improving the educational outcomes for the young people of the UK. The aim is to broaden and deepen educators' understanding of motivation and what makes young people tick

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Not Smiling Until Christmas Part II......

To continue on from the last thread posted by Include Solutions, we thought we would look at the university advice of not smiling until Christmas a bit more....

It is very important to have a learning environment which is well disciplined, after all this will aid the learning process. So what is well disciplined? Some would argue that it is an environment where by the students do as they say, they talk when you want them to talk, they work when you want them to work and they smile/laugh when you give them permission to do so and if and when they fail to follow any of the 'rules' they are given, they receive a sanction. That way you have total control and your students will then learn everything you want them to learn....won't they?  

What then is another argument for a well disciplined classroom......

Well others would argue (and at Include Solutions we would fully support this argument) that a well disciplined classroom is one in which the 'Routines for Learning' form the basis for behaviour, capped off by your obvious enthusiasm and high expectations for what your students can and will achieve. Here are two simple classroom management suggestions to get you thinking and working towards a more holistic approach....think about how it maintains your standards at a high level whilst at the same time it demonstrates to your students that you care.....

  • Insist your class is lined up in silence before entering the classroom, pull them up on it if they are too noisy, but then greet them with a personal good morning or good afternoon as they walk through your door, ask them how they are doing, whether they had a good weekend and whether their football team won etc.
  • Use a starter/bell work to set the tone for the learning environment, again you can pull up any students who are not working, and you must do this, but more importantly you must go around and speak to every student in your classroom and find something to praise them for. 
The question that we ask you to reflect on is where does the approach of not smiling until Christmas fall??

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